The story about MrsHyper

The story about MrsHyper

If you bring twentyfive years of experience in the communications industry as an ArtDirector/graphic designer, hyperactive mum and wrap it all up together with commitment, curiosity and an incredible willingness to help. There you have me, MrsHyper. Read the ”Red Thread” here»


MrsHyper was founded by Jessica Stigsdotter Axberg in 2012 (company 2015). Jessica is the mother of Victoria, who has adhd and autism and Linnéa, who has adhd, bdd and anxiety. The struggle my childrens right to have correct support in school, at home and at spare time, gave me the energy and the will to help other children and their families with similar problems.

The books in ”Jippieserien” (The Hurrah series)

2012 – Jippie! Jag har ADHD (Hurray! I got ADHD.)
2014 – Jag vill inte vänta (I don’t want to wait)
2016 – Jag har Tourette rätt rätt (I got Tourette. Right. Right.)
2017 – Moa har Psoriasis. Artrit. (Moa has Psoriasis. Arthritis.)
2019 – Evans upptäcker Asperger. (Evans discovers Asperger’s.)

The books in ”Kompisserien” (The Friend series)

2019 – Min kompis har adhd (My friend has ADHD)
2019 – Min kompis har autism (My friend has autism)
2019 – Min kompis har cp (My friend has cerebral palsy)
2019 – Min kompis har dcd (My friend has dcd)
2019 – Min kompis har downs syndrom (My friend has Down syndrom)
2019 – Min kompis har hörselnedsättning (My friend has hearing loss)
2019 – Min kompis har if (My friend has intellectual disability)
2019 – Min kompis har språkstörning (My friend has language disorder)
2019 – Min kompis har synnedsättning (My friend has vision loss)

#Hypersjälar – Hypersouls

2016 – #Hypersjälar – inom ADHD och Autism (#Hypersouls – in ADHD and Autism).


2018 – Vändpunkter (turning points)
2019 – Liv på paus – hjälp mig! (Life on break – help me!)

About Stress

2018 – Vägen från Väggen. (The Way from the wall.)

The lectures

Jessica has lectured since 2010. The lectures is for schools and relatives, communities, organizations and workplaces.


Between 2010 and 2014 she took studies at the Psychosynthesis Academy in Stockholm.
Titel: Diplomerad Psykosyntesterapeut PSA®

Swedish & English, in a mix

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