SomeFactsAboutAsperger-affisch2I’m not used speaking English and even less to write it. You have to put up with really poor English.

I got a message from a guy in Europe who asked a lot about Asperger’s. He said that he had difficulty getting access to information in his country and he did not want to tell his surroundings that he probably had these problems. In the community he lives in, there is no sympathy for those who are different.

Wow, I realized that I also need to start writing in English. The need to understand and explain oneself to ones environment is universal.

I have quickly translated a ”Jippie-poster” that I made for kids about Asperger’s Syndrome (here it is on swedish). I translated it into English, just for his sake. If he reads this and gets some use of it, I’ll be very happy.

Please let differences be a part of every society.

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